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Governance Compliance

The Handsam Governance module provides all the information you need to prove compliance to government standards. This system is backed up by comprehensive resources provided in a diarised tasklist. Each task is delegated to the relevant staff member or governor to complete and evidence. This allows the creation of an audit trail which will satisfy Ofsted, ISI and DfE requirements.

The system also prompts Governors to ask the school a series of questions on topics such as governance structures, employment, health and safety, finance, data protection and equal opportunities. Further topics covered are managing redundancy, capability, admissions and exclusions procedures.


The content of the Handsam system is managed and updated by Handsam’s editorial panel of leading UK educationalists. This includes experts in law, finance and governance, and specialists in policy writing, health and safety, employment and managing contractors.


• A comprehensive list of duties your Governing Body must evidence, specific to your school’s status

• Aids understanding of what evidence you must provide to inspecting authorities

• Stays up-to-date with the most relevant governor guidance and legislation

• Ability to separate the Governing Body into different committees

• Ability to communicate policy within the school

• Supports your clerk to question school processes and procedures as part of the DFE’s Clerking Competency Framework

• Provides access to the Handsam Client Support Team to answer all queries


• Management of meetings, agendas and minutes


• Ability to evidence adherence to relevant
governance standards


• Access to the most up-to-date information

• Central resource for all Governors to access

• The clerk to the Governors is given a bespoke
system to manage all tasks efficiently and

• Assists your clerk and all governors in keeping up to date

• The school is able to communicate information easily to Governors who may not be on site regularly

• Easy to use

• Email alerts provide prompt delivery of tasks

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