What do Handsam Offer?
Our expertise and experience covers every aspect of education compliance. We offer services in governance, health and safety, incident recording and reporting, trip planning, policy writing, training and financial compliance.
Our unique online management systems bring security and certainty to our clients along with many benefits, including:
Ease of management
24/7 access
Transparent responsibility
Straightforward reporting
Up-to-date information informed by our panel of experts
​Our clients include Local Authorities, academy trusts, small MATs, individual academies and maintained schools, and a wide range of independent schools.
Our mission is to help you deliver on time and on budget. We manage your compliance monitoring regime armed with all the correct information to help you succeed.

The Handsam Story
Handsam originated in 2000 as 'Quick Guides Publishing'. It was founded by Dr Chris Lowe CBE, a former Head Teacher and legal secretary and President of SHA (now ASCL). It was then incorporated in 2008 as Handsam Ltd and is now a leading provider of compliance consultancy services, online management systems, support and advice to the UK Education sector.
While our name is an acronym for 'Health and Safety Management', we are experts in much more. Our specialisms include:
School governance
Financial compliance
Fire safety
School trip planning
Human resources
Employment law
Data protection
The Handsam team is renowned for bringing innovative, 21st-century solutions to the kinds of problems which you need solving – and sometimes for those you never even knew you had!
We are also equipped with a panel of leading specialists in:
Facility audits
Policy writing
Emergency planning
Head Teachers, Governing Bodies and Site Managers will be able to run their school with ease with the use of our online management systems in health and safety, accident reporting, e-training and much more.
Handsam Ltd assists thousands of clients at an affordable price, with a list of successes that grows every day. Could you be our next success story?

The Handsam Ethos
We Are Your Safety Net
Handsam Ltd is an education-specific organisation that helps schools, academies and Trusts to manage themselves efficiently and effectively. In accordance to the many laws and regulations which apply to them, we help them keep safe from accidents, inspection issues, legal challenges and financial concerns.
Our aim is to give schools a helping hand by providing the support and advice they need. Our unrivalled panel of experts cover every aspect of compliance guidance, training and online management solutions. This broad range of service is all within a budget realistic for even the smallest of schools and the most challenging of circumstances.
We are here to help you understand your compliance requirements and evidence them. This will help you achieve the best possible Ofsted outcome and keep your staff and students safe, happy and able to teach and learn to the best of their abilities.
Our clients value the support of our 'safety net' systems, advice and expertise upon which they can rely. Our support services cover every corner of school management from safeguarding to data protection, governance compliance to school trips.
Our ‘safety net’ also means our services are completely flexible. Our service packages can be amended at the end of each contract period and you can always add more on-going or one-off services at any point while you are a Handsam Ltd client.
Please contact us to discuss your particular circumstances and requirements.

Working with Groups of Schools
Whatever your organisation, Handsam Ltd have the systems and services to help you support all of your schools and enable you to manage any scenario.
Handsam's exclusive solutions help Academy Trusts and Local Authorities manage multiple sites and keep centralised records and reports to enable the evidencing of compliance in relation to:
Financial compliance
Accident reporting
Business continuity plans
Critical incident and emergency planning
Business Managers’ compliance
And through utilisation of our unique Trust dashboard, you can benefit from live management information across all of your sites, available to you at the click of a button. It will help you make decisions and interventions in an academy and benchmark performance whatever your location.
We work to support each individual academy within a Trust and liaise with their central head office to ensure compliance and excellent governance is achieved to the satisfaction of any inspectorate. The Handsam management systems will keep all Trust locations fully compliant throughout each academic year. This reduces risk, cost and workload, while increasing protection and security for premises, staff and students.
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